Noel'S Retro Lab


For Viewers

Sometimes in my videos I might show some product I got for free. If so, I'll mention it but it is NOT a paid review. It's a product I was sent without any expectation. If it's in a video is because I like it and I thought it would be interesting for the viewers, independently of whether I paid for it or not

I will also have 60-90 second "sponsored segments". I try to keep them at least somewhat relevant, but those I'm just paid to promote a product. I will make it very clear which one is which.

For Sponsors

I don't do paid reviews.

If you have a product you think is a good fit for the channel (electronics, retro computers), I'm happy to accept a sample without any obligations. I might make a video about it if I find it really interesting, or it will appear in future videos if it's something I use on a regular basis.

If you're interested in having a 60-90 second sponsored segment in a video (no software keys), contact me for rates.


Get in touch with Noel's Retro Lab at: